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brians_experience [24-Jan-2016 15:32]
brian [April 2015 to November 2015]
brians_experience [15-Feb-2016 20:27] (current)
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 +===== January 2016 =====
 +//Religious zealot'​s long to be within the company of their deities here upon the mortal world and work feverishly to call them forth their manifestations. Religious scholar, though, warn that these mortal world manifestations,​ no matter their true nature, all eventually grow hungry; insatiably, unquenchably,​ inhumanly hungry.//
 +  * Everyone +2,000
 +  * Bodie and Barimont +6,000
 +**The Story of Forestwynd and Peresphone of Tristen**
 +//Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.//
 +Starting in 2248 the Ten-Year Offerings were a truce between the Wood Elves and the great worm Arrow. Every ten years the Wood Elves would bring the great fell beast tribute. In return Arrow refrained from destroying the four human kingdoms. ​
 +In 2338 Forestwynd the Wood Elf was chosen to deliver the Offering. ​
 +Forestwynd had secretly been visiting his beloved Princess Persephone of Tristen and on his way to delivering the Offering, he was met by Persephone. She broke off the relation, to fulfill her duty to the kingdom. Forestwynd'​s heart was crushed, and he hid the Offering before meeting Arrow. The great dragon slew Forestwynd in a fiery blast that brought daylight to the night sky, and then laid waste to the four kingdoms. Sadness consumed Persephone and her spirit eventually left her as the ruler of the wastelands. Even today Persephone and her "​sister"​ reign over the Fellstone Fields.
 +**The Story of Cicely Thyrus**
 +//If I die young, bury me in satin
 +Lay me down on a bed of roses
 +Sink me in the river at dawn
 +Send me away with the words of a love song.//
 +Princess Cicely Thyrus is the daughter of Romos Thyrus of the Thyrus Family. He was heir to the Duchy of Thyrus crown. She was lost at the Coronation of Emperor Rohan White'​Eagle III, after being sucked through a gate.
 +She died at the hands the Family Lazerus along the Seven Bridges Road and is now an undead spirit. She was later captured by Wayfaring and imprisoned at Stonefeather Keep. Her only desire is to return home.
 +  * Bodie and Barimont +3,000
 ===== April 2015 to November 2015 ===== ===== April 2015 to November 2015 =====
 //To him who is in fear everything rustles.// - Sophocles //To him who is in fear everything rustles.// - Sophocles
 **The Singing Towers** **The Singing Towers**
 The Heirs of Grimmsveldt head east over Many Winds Pass, learning to managed the frequent encounters with Gloombirds. At the pass they find the two ancient towers abandoned, acknowledging that few travelers now pass this way. Hearing a song they search the towers. The Heirs of Grimmsveldt head east over Many Winds Pass, learning to managed the frequent encounters with Gloombirds. At the pass they find the two ancient towers abandoned, acknowledging that few travelers now pass this way. Hearing a song they search the towers.
-  * Unordered List ItemEverybody ​+3,500 +  * Everybody ​+3,500 
-  * Unordered List ItemWillie, for managing the Gloombirds +1,500+  * Willie, for managing the Gloombirds +1,500
 **Passing Teegan'​s Stockade** **Passing Teegan'​s Stockade**
 The Heirs descend into the eastern lands, the home of the foresters, the lasts once ruled by Thryus (aka. Drakewort). Before reaching the River Erin the Heirs left the road, passing by an mining camp before finally reaching the River. ​ The Heirs descend into the eastern lands, the home of the foresters, the lasts once ruled by Thryus (aka. Drakewort). Before reaching the River Erin the Heirs left the road, passing by an mining camp before finally reaching the River. ​
 Many memories flooded back to Willie as they crossed over lands marred by unsustainable logging practices. Near Willie'​s childhood home at Oak Hall the party discover Teegan'​s Stockade, a hive of scum and villainy, they avoided it.  Many memories flooded back to Willie as they crossed over lands marred by unsustainable logging practices. Near Willie'​s childhood home at Oak Hall the party discover Teegan'​s Stockade, a hive of scum and villainy, they avoided it. 
-  * Unordered List ItemEveryone ​+4,000+  * Everyone ​+4,000
 **Oak Hall** **Oak Hall**
 Oak Hall is now in the hands of Ash Hall. Willie'​s family is long gone. The grounds of Oak Hall are occupied by the Dragonborne,​ who were in the area from Thyrus to meet with the leaders of Teegan'​s Hall.  Oak Hall is now in the hands of Ash Hall. Willie'​s family is long gone. The grounds of Oak Hall are occupied by the Dragonborne,​ who were in the area from Thyrus to meet with the leaders of Teegan'​s Hall. 
   * Everyone +4,000   * Everyone +4,000
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 **Meeting Drafvine** **Meeting Drafvine**
 The Heirs, following Iora the Squirrel leave the River Erin and Oak Hall and venture into the dark forests of Vaalea Enkeli Koti (aka, the place where elves frolic). The discover Foresters and eventually meet Drafvine. They party. ​ The Heirs, following Iora the Squirrel leave the River Erin and Oak Hall and venture into the dark forests of Vaalea Enkeli Koti (aka, the place where elves frolic). The discover Foresters and eventually meet Drafvine. They party. ​
   * Everyone +2,000   * Everyone +2,000
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 **A Night at Empress and Emerald Roadhouse** **A Night at Empress and Emerald Roadhouse**
 Drafvine tells the Heirs that reforging the Tristanblade would be way cool, and could lead to the gates reopening to Vaalea Enkeli Koti (and eventually to the Fey Kingdoms). He also tells them that he knows of but one flame hot enough to reforge the sword. Iora the Squirrel disappears. The Heirs head towards the Fellstone Fields. They meet up with travelers along the road, choosing to travel in numbers to avoid the wrath of Wayfaring. Willie discovers that one of the travelers is a slaver. Drafvine tells the Heirs that reforging the Tristanblade would be way cool, and could lead to the gates reopening to Vaalea Enkeli Koti (and eventually to the Fey Kingdoms). He also tells them that he knows of but one flame hot enough to reforge the sword. Iora the Squirrel disappears. The Heirs head towards the Fellstone Fields. They meet up with travelers along the road, choosing to travel in numbers to avoid the wrath of Wayfaring. Willie discovers that one of the travelers is a slaver.
   * Everyone +5,000   * Everyone +5,000
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   * Bodie +3,200 for being the tank.   * Bodie +3,200 for being the tank.
-**The Fortress ​at Grey Watch**+**The Fort at Gray Watch, Better Here than in Thyrus**
 +After a night at the Empress and Emerald Roadhouse the Heirs make their way to the Fort at Gray Watch. This bare bones fort on a plateau above the Fellstone Fields in under continual assault from the forces of Fellstone. Strange clouds seep in nightly, while horrible constructs beat upon the walls. It provides a foreshadowing of what the Heirs will find in Fellstone. The Heirs also find out that many of the troops here prefer it over living under the control of Golong Primary and the Dragonborne.
 +  * Everyone +2,000
 **The Forge at Laughing Dog** **The Forge at Laughing Dog**
 +Crossing the Fellstone Fields results in the Heirs encountering various constructs and evils. They eventually reach the Laughing Dog where they meet Hammerthral. He and Bodie reforge the Tristanblade while Barimont deals with the lost souls for Fellstone. Barimont attunes to the Tristanblade, ​
 +  * Barimont +7,500
 +  * Bodie +5,000
 +  * Willie +2,500
 **The Stone Tree** **The Stone Tree**
- +The Heir of Grimmsveldt leave the safety of the Laughing Dog and head south into the heart of the Fellstone Fields, their perceived source of the Gloombirds. The face tentacles, chains, deadly mists before reaching a petrified tree on a hill. Barimont brings the fucking tree back to life. Willie sires a sapling. 
 +  * Everyone +3,000 
 +  * Barimont +3,000 
 +  * Willie +1,500
 ===== December 2014/March 2015 ===== ===== December 2014/March 2015 =====
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