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brians_line_log [26-Mar-2015 09:39]
jeffr [Frogs and Houses and Lightning, Oh My!]
brians_line_log [07-Nov-2015 10:46] (current)
rob [Fear Sucks!] changed heading level
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 [[brians_name_list]] [[brians_name_list]]
-====== ​Filling The Empty Sky ======+====== ​Under the Empty Sky ====== 
 +=====Fear Sucks!=====  
 +__(Chronicle of March Gameplay)__ 
 +//As Wilhelm learns more about the Saga of the Tristen Sword, he goes into a daze, recalling the day’s events, and marveling at their events.// 
 +It all started as they left the Palisades. The Heirs had just defeated the last vestige of Dick Half-Wit, and were in a self-congratulatory mood, as they moseyed back to the Manor. However, it soon became obvious that more issues were at stake. ​ They came upon a group of terrified villagers, being protected by a lady that seemed to move as fast as lightning, literally moving from one area to another in a blink of an eye. (Bodie should totally learn how to do that, Wilhelm muses.) They were being attacked by Doom Birds, and seem terrified of something. In his haste to get people out of harm’s way, Wilhelm had used the House’s gift, the Ocarina of Horror to scatter people and enemies alike. 
 +Coming to the aid of the lady, named Twig, who we later discovered was a Gypsy, the Heirs quickly dispatched the doom birds, and discovered that they seemed to suck “something” into some void, which caused time to accelerate in the surrounding area, causing preternatural aging of people and materials. The birds had to be totally destroyed for this to happen. Luckily, the Candlesong Blade was able to do that. However, Wilhelm felt huge remorse over taking away the freedom of the villagers through their fear, and tried to reverse the curse. He handed the blade to Bairmond, who swung a mighty blow at the pinned doom-bird. He swung so hard, he twirled around in a circle, ninja-like, and flashed the dagger in the face of the horse, who was taken aback, reared and lost its footing, falling down, but un-injured. Wilhelm figured it was a new maneuver, and decided to name it, “The Bodie”, who was likely the only person that could get it to actually hit something.  
 +After much trial and error, while Bodie and Bairmond finished off the doom-birds with Twig, Wilhelm finally learned the cancellation song, after taking the “stage”,​ the rock where Barimond had lit up to provide a beacon for the townsfolk. After herding them together, Bodie (!) made an impassioned speech, calling upon duty, honor, and the return of glory of Grimsveldt, that practically talked the birds out of the trees. The populace followed him blindly, and they would talk of that day for years to come, when the Heirs of Grimsveldt, Bodie, RETURNED. Wilhelm and Bairmond followed along behind, trying to understand the properties of the Ocarina. ​ It seemed the essence of Bree, the Godess of Time and Crossroads, had a residual calming effect in the town. (Wilhelm makes a mental note to read up on her, in the manor library.) 
 +As they tried to determine who would want to keep the realms separate, they came up with a list of things that needed to be done.  
 +To-Do (In no particular order): 
 +- Re-unite the Tristen Blade (Figure out how to do that…) 
 +- Start Olive Oil Production and Cash Flow 
 +- Open the Gypsy Paths and the Realm Paths 
 +- Make Road Safe and Advertise the fact the Heirs are responsible 
 +- Strengthen House 
 +- Find and create Spring Court Connection to Manor 
 +- Find invading army over NE passage 
 +- Find Prince Helzing - (who happened to be cursed by his mother, and is CedarWind’s grandson!) 
 +- Destroy RootBall of Evil 
 +- Learn how Twig “blinks” 
 +- Learn more about Bree 
 +While plans were being laid, Wilhelm began to whittle and sculpt some of the wood debris, almost absent-mindedly. We he was finished, he had several beautifully carved road signs, declaring the road between Palisades and StreamHead safe for travelers, and under the protection of the Heirs of Grimsveldt. Wilhelm resolved to give them to Effrem, their patrol leader to put up.  
 +Eventually, the Heirs headed back to Grimsveldt, the day bright, and the sun well high in the sky. Bairmond mused aloud that what he knew of Bree was that her temples were crossroads, major ones. The heirs assumed that since the road in front of Grimsveldt was a crossroad, as well as a “crossing over” point, due to the nature of Grimsveldt, that Bree could be listening, should the conversation of someone doing bad things with Time came up. 
 +So, stopping at the cross-roads,​ Bairmond mused aloud about how Bree probably wouldn’t like what was going on with the doom birds, and wondering aloud, if a group of intrepid (and handsome, Wilhelm interjected) adventurers wanted to stop such dastardly deeds, if the would be something Bree would be interested in? Bodie also wanted to get his two copper pieces in, and mentioned that structural damage may be a unavoidable side effect of such assistance. 
 +A flock of geese flew to the south. The came from nowhere, and Bairmond was sure it was a sign. The Heirs followed the geese, and came upon a strange cut in the hills, where it seemed there once may have been a road or bridge across the stream. ​ Across the stream, Bodie and Bairmond spotted some kind of armor and went to investigate with Twig.  
 +Wilhelm dips his feet in the water is distracted by the beautiful play of water amongst the stones, until he feels something roundish and strange against his feet. He picked up what appears to be a bowling sixpin, made of some strange yellowish stone. He puts it in his pack, and catches up with the Heirs and Twig. 
 + They are looking at the full plate armor of a Bald Mountain Clan orc, and hear a small sucking noise nearby. As Bairmond prepares to stab at it with Sally’s dagger, which Wilhelm nicknames “Mack the Knife”, Bodie and Wilhelm find a Doom-bird, underneath the armor as it is rolled over. Wilhelm immediately stabs it the Candlesong Blade (Gotta lean more about that thing, and attune to it more). The blade rips through the bird from shoulder to navel, shudders and dissolves into a glob of fear. Bairmond returns from his vision trace, after stabbing the dead orc, and sees a familiar face directing hordes of goblins and clay golems to kill the enclave of orcs at Bald Mountain. She is the same woman, associated with the Bleeding Vein. 
 +While pondering that, and heading down to the bank again, more of that void noise is heard, and upon investigating,​ there is a doom bird stuck in a rock that is speckled with the same material as the bowling pin that Wilhelm found. (Must figure out what that stuff is…) Bairmond stuns it with a StarLight spell, and the rock around it seems to glow brightly, and suddenly the pin in Wilhelms pack bursts forth with light as well! The bird flops to the ground, and Wilhelm stabs it, but it bleeds fear like blood, and Wilhelm is suddenly apprehensive,​ as is Bairmond, after hitting it another time. Finally, Bodie steps in and crushes it to dust, and the fear subsides. 
 +After making a mental picture of this location in their minds, ​ to investigate later, the Heirs pick up the three sets of full plate armor (needing new leathers), and three warhammer heads (the shafts long since dust). Upon re-crossing the river, the heirs take a little time to see if there anything else in there, like the cool bowling pin, Wilhelm found. Bairmond and Bodie don’t find anything, but Wilhelm comes up with an ornate goblet, inlay with gold and black onyx, with a motif of vines and roses (which isn’t recognizable,​ or identifiable). The goblet is made of some kind of smoky quartz, and since it was full when he pulled it out of the water, and was completely clean, Wilhelm drank from it. 
 +As he drinks, his face turns grey and it tastes like he drinking blood, which turns to ash in his mouth, suddenly a vision of a tall tower appears in his mind, and he hears a scream he does not recognize, as doom birds fly out from the tower. Wilhem tosses the goblet to side of the stream where Bodie picks it up. On all fours, Wilhelm relates what he saw, as he drinks straight from the stream. 
 +Back at the manor, in discussions with CedarWind and Twig, the Heirs learn that Dick’s mom is a sad ghost, somewhere in the woods, and that Cedarwind is the ghost’s mom. She tells the heirs about how the gate to Elfhome used to be guarded by a dragon, Ezerak, and every ten years the humans of the Kingdom of Tristen would make a sacrifice ​ to the dragon, and the elves were their friends and gifted the humans the Tristan Blade, to “preserve and protect”. Eventually, the humans stopped paying tribute, and then a 44-year meteor shower occurred, turning the Kingdom of Tristen, into the Fellstone Fields, which is where all the essence of fear and the Bleeding Vein goo, drains off to, after the doom birds die. Before Wilhelm drifts off, he goes over the expanded to-do list (Research Amber, Attune with Candlesong Blade, learn about rose and vine motif), while CedarWind talks about how Dick found the broken pieces of the sword, and only an elven smith could re-unite the pieces. 
 +//While Wilhelm’s eyes glaze over, Bairmond and Bodie listen attentively to CedarWind’s and Twig’s knowledge.//​
 =====Frogs and Houses and Lightning, Oh My!===== =====Frogs and Houses and Lightning, Oh My!=====
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