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{{:amber.jpg|:amber.jpg}} ====== Brian's Line ====== [[brians_name_list]] ====== Filling The Empty Sky ====== ===== The Heirs of Grimmsveldt ===== ===== Warriors Of The Separation ===== (Formerly the Agents of Grimsveld) "We Fix Bad" This is a truncated synopsis (more details of what's been going on since the W of N joined together on Ajax - Field and Tholis survived elemental attack of the castle at the cliffs of the black sea. - Field and Tholis chucked Nox Arachniae; picked up by dwarf/halfling named Boyd - Field and Tholis got mithril thread of Ariel Stormwatcher, went looking for Auction of Names - Found Old guy chained in dessert, freed him, he died. - Found Dhab - Found Auction of names; all hell breaks loose. Very bad Shoggoth shows his face. We recruit Klutch, and get three more mithril threads - Exit Auction through Fairy Central (bribe Boyd to drop Nox Arachniae). Travel the Fairy realms for what seems like a few weeks - Exit Fairy Central through Avonlea and end up in Avon. Cue civil and intradimensional war. - Return thread to Ariel; Kill Duke (novice of Black Templars); Exile Prince to Fairy Central to face justice over regicide and matricide. - Team up with Pirate Kings to find next NOBT; Discover there's probably one on a black former pirate ship full of zombies. - - Find wrecked ship, rescue Mien's sister - - Visit Pirate island, retrieve captain of ship in question. As per our last conversation: T-shirts or should we paint this on our shields/armor? {{helloshoggoth1.jpg|}} **Hello Shoggoth!** ===== Prelude to Year 5 (Tholis & Field) ===== **GM:** At the walls of Kirin, the elemental giant and his army of elementals ghouls opened the ShadowBox, A void consumed the area, including Tholis. Field dove at Tholis to knock him out of the void. Then the void vanished with the elemental army, a corner of the walls of Kirin, Tholis and Field. The fate of Zakar, Reyna, JQ, Jasmine and the rest is unknown. **GM:** For a moment, everything was dark, then it was light again. A storm is whirling around you. Not a normal storm, but an elemental storm. Your exposed flesh feels hot and cold at the same time. The air is popping with static electricity. Around you an army of elemental ghouls are transforming into one great storm. They appear to be ignoring the two of you as they roll towards a large gray castle upon a nearby ridge. The vanguard of the storm has already reached the outer walls of the castle. With a sound that is best described as live cats being gutted, the vanguard is being deflected from off the walls. In the middle of the storm, the shadowy shape of a giant is marching forward. Swirling about his feet are fragments of the Shadowbox. As a lightning elemental flashes, you check sight of shiny black disk laying upon the whitish sand. If you have //Power Perception// roll it. Actions? **Tholis:** //Power Perception// roll = 170 --- //Rob Brott 17-Feb-2009 20:24// **Field:** //Power Perception// roll= 83 **GM: ** Tholis, Though the shapes are remain shadowy they are all giving off a very powerful aura of Elementalism. You clearly see that this streaming aura is sticking to both you and Field. You also notice that a Channeling-colored spider-shaped aura hovers near the Nox Arachnea. Field, all you see is streaming vibrant colors. ===== Prelude to Year 5 (remaining Agents of Grimmsveldt) ===== **Date:** late Summer et485 **Location:** outside the walls of Kirin **GM:** Tholis and Field are gone. A fair portion of the city wall is gone. The elemental army is gone. As is the ShadowBox and apparently what was inside it, the Nox Arachnea. Around the Agents of Grimmsveldt a war still wages: the Spider Army of Mishu and Kirin still battle the Army of the New Sun. Actions? ====== Year 4 Recap ======={{:eleaf.gif|We Come In Peace}} **The Lords of Grimsveld** //We Come In Peace// {{plate.gif|}} **The Agents of Grimsveld** //We Fix Bad// ===== November, part 2 2006 ===== //By Field Rainbowitch// Bummer. Not so sure this Grimsveld gig is fun anymore. We found out our "Lords" have a house or a boat or something buried deep in the ground way out by Kirin. So of course, as agents, we were sure that we were allowed to go in and look around. I think they abandoned this thing underground. Maybe they buried it themselves. There's this very cool blue glowing hallway in the underground structure, just the kind of thing someone like me could not resist. Apparently whatever's in that hallway is just bad news, because I started forgetting spells, my magic sword didn't work anymore, and Reenya is afraid to do her spells anymore. After that, things went from bad to worse. Apparently someone working for the Lords got in a fight with Shaggoth and was finally captured by them. I wanted to go rescue her, but we decided to go to Kirin instead. The really bad men we killed in the bazaar came back as undead and we had to kill them again, or at least five of them. One of them hit me and I don't feel so good, and it seems like it's permanent. Also, some sort of flying Shaggoth sage is attacking the library in Kirin, trying to get in. Great. All things considered, the most pleasant moments were spent with the rats in the dump. They were cordial, hospitable and showed us into the city. Ok, Kirin sucks. It really sucks. Spider webs everywhere. Spiders and disagreeable soldiers everywhere. I thought Wolvesbane was the worst place on the planet, but Kirin makes me nostalgic for the good old days when you could go to a dinner party and watch nobles getting slaughtered while the eater of souls was swooping down to gobble them up. Paradise compared to this hell hole. This Leyland guy better be worth it. I don't even remember why we are trying to get to him. With Shaggoth and spiders running around the city, I think this is not a good place to be. ---- Notes etc, from past playing sessions in Brian's line. **GM NOTE** //On a recent All Games Considered podcast, the "women" rpgers took over and spent 90 minutes talking about how, why, when they all got into gaming (it was because of who they were dating at the time, but that's besides the point). They also talked about what they look for in a gaming event, what makes a good GM and what makes good players. It made me realize just what we have. They talked about how dungeon slayfests lead into complex storylines, how bags of chips lead into battles over who would cook dinner and how slamming Mountain Dews lead to choosing the right bottle of wine for defeating a vampire clan... It was interesting to hear about their adventures, because it also reminded me of all of ours. Thank you...brian// ===== November 2006 ===== A letter from Jonathan Quicksilver Care of Argent, who I trust will pass my message on to rest of our group. Dear friends, I am sorry that Bree has called me away to care for some of her stray flock among the peasants of the country side. I must say that while I miss you and our adventures very much I have enjoyed my time on the road. My journey has been peaceful and restful. I have camped at and blessed many crossroads, annointed the hearths at several small inns, and bolstered the faith of our flock of worshipers among the good folk who travel our roads and live and and work in small villages and on farms. Our fight to destroy things evil and that which is considered vile in the eyes of Bree must include strengthening that which is good and sacred. I had a dream that my missionary service will be ending soon. I saw the rainbow path of Bree guiding me to a crossroads where we shall once again meet and join forces in our struggle against the evil goat men and other forces attempting to darken our land. Until then, please keep the faith and remember that Bree and my prayers are with you. Bree be with you, Jonathan Quicksilver Priest of Bree ===== September/October 2006 ===== By Field Rainbowitch Hey Gang, I have this theory about Jasmine (and a couple of aromafantasies). She created this neat antidote. I first noticed her when her perfume bomb went off in her booth at the bazaar--and we saw the result. I think she is trying to weaponize her antitode, i.e. create an airborne antidote that some naive rube (me) will take into the city and set off so everyone can see the spiders once they stop vomitting. Assuming I'm right, and I usually am, how do we help her? I can help her grow the appropriate flowers quite quickly. What else should we do? Who's with me? Then what are we waiting for? Let's Go! ===== July 2006 ===== By Field Rainbowitch //Feeling much better since we left the Wolf city and stopped hobknobbing with all the military goons. Feel much less homicidal.// //And I've got a horse. A good horse, not that poor tired old nag they gave us at this last big meeting.// //I also found some great herbs. I forgot how much I know about herbs, and tracking, and foraging, and gliding when I was in the city with all the mortals. I thought I was ready to handle that many mortals at once, but I was nowhere near ready. And now we are going to another one--something called KiRinn or something. Maybe I'll just wait for this Grimsveld Agentry group outside the city limits.// //We got cats. Lots of cats. Glowing, flying cats following us around. Tholis thinks they are spies and they are showing everything they see to some mentalist somewhere far away. Anyway, Tholis crashed a lot of them and we killed one more.// //Oh, there was Shaggoth. He did bad magic to a friend of ours and we had to kill that friend. Nissel was his name. That's how I got this great horse. Thanks Nissel. Sorry you got turned into something dark and evil. I will take good care of your horse.// //The Shaggoth is out there somewhere. Seems like we should do something about that.// //And now there's a snake on pile of dirt. Argent is adamant--now there's an unnecessary adjective--that we find out what's under the dirt, but I think the big multi-headed snake might send us into the void. And I would miss my horse, especially as I'm only getting to know him now. Not real talkative, but he has a good heart and I look good riding him.// //Hey, does anyone think all this mentalist magic gear I'm carrying is attracting "someone's" attention?// ===== June 2006 ===== From Master Garrison -- * matallic eye ("eye of Vecna") -- Mentalism -> Field * Jewelry -> Tholis * Bag w/ Coins: 2 Au, several Ag, 1 large round disc (Essence) Hessian search yields: * A //very// nice spear. The shaft of the spear has a snake-like relief along its length. (Mentalism) -> Reyna * Medallion of greenish metal (Arcane). -> Tholis Fake Kalli search: * Robes (Essence) -> Zakar * Very large ring (Mentalism) -> Zakar * Small gem glued to her face (Mentalism) -> Field Zakar removes robes from Fake Kalli -- seems to be a robe of AT16 (red robe). Zakar puts it into his pack. Zakar has ring. Reyna takes the spear. Field pops gem off of Kalli's face. Bluish-black gem. Field pops out eyball of Garrison (ewww!) and has a vision. Move onto Garrison's room. There is an interesting carpet that attacks! Holds Zakar and Field (I think). * There is a box in the desk: key (long) * another large round disk (like the one from Garrison's bag). * Some coins: 6 Aug and 12 Ag. * Chest. Has fourleather bound satchels. Meanwhile, back at the desk, two pieces of parchment with long lists of names. In the Naga's room (Hessian's). Smells swampy. IT is dank and musty. Not as finely appointed as Garrison's room. Rough desk and a rough chair. Pretty bare. In the desk * two skin pouches with ties held bound with greenish beads. The parchment: - List of house names which are familiar in two columns - House names, unfamiliar for the most part. Kingdom names. - Fewer names. We do recongize House Drakewort... there are related names. Two columns. In the chest in Garrison's room are 4 leather bound satchels each containing a very old book (large). Retrive Molly's sword. Field takes mentalism wand... THe covers of the book are scaly. The books are: - Small writing very complexly detailed. - Very similar to above. - Very similar to agove. - A little different. A spell book! Rituals. A page is bookmarked: A ritual about blood. The book is "keyed" to Gatemasters of Ajax. The books are about 1-1/2 inches thick. The author is "Reddik". THe books are at least 300 years old and are keyed to him. The first three books appear to be a narrative history of some demise of Ajax. More info on the books. THe first volume is a story of the end-times of the city of "Helena". Something about tentacles (my notes are largely illegible here). Also, lots of characters, names, etc. Reddik is the author. Yet more info: * Sky princes are involved. * Blood opens gates -- the more royal the blood the better. * War between Helenda and City of Brass was taking a huge toll on Ajax. Reddick muses about "is there another way". * City of Brass sent armies of fire elementals to Helenda. Destroying everything between the worlds. I seem to remember that Field activated the Greenish Medallion, and nearly destroyed the entirety of existence! //"Hey, existence isn't all it's cracked up to be. In fact, a few cracks in existence is good for it. It lets some of the hot air out and some of the fun, sparkly, irridescent air into this very closed system. Without the cracks in existence, we wouldn't have mushroom sleds or junk bonds or incendiary meercats."// We leave Wolfsbane. Hey, it's been fun, but it's time to ride. So on to Kirin to check on some goings on there for the group we met with outside of Wolfsbane. Which, if I recall correctly was House Haddock, House Shields, House Grimmsveldt (Hey, that's us!). Maybe some others. This special group has asked us to check on some missing Haddock folks in Kirin. Apparently they haven't heard from them in too long. ===== May 2006 ===== Jeezus, my notes suck for this month. A little help? --- //rob 2006/06/06 12:10// ===== April 2006 ===== After sunset on the island of Wolfsbane. Of the four Tome-e-Knockers, one got sucked into the void, one (Hepphonio) has been destroyed, the thrid got away. The fourth, we have no idea. We relax on the beach, have dinner. The we head off to sleep. During the night there is an invasion of floating eyeballs (the eyes seem metallic). The eyeball casts a void ball and hits Zackar and Field. The eyes head out to leave. The one eye goes out the window -- the remainder disappear. The one eye goes to a guy standing next to a tree in the distance. He grabs the eye out of the air and puts into his own eye socket. Ewww! We go to the tree, the guy has disappeared (after taking three steps to the north. Field talks to the tree, the guy was surveilling our "house". for some time and readiated power. Evil power. The tree reveals to Field that a piece of cloth was left behind. Jonathan touches the cloth and has a vision * Throne //rooms// * Commotion * Violence * dog-headed creatures with tentacles. The vision is repeated four times, each time with a different throne room. We go to the castle and end up in a trap! Molly is here, the Red Mage. Hessian is an arcanist/serpent/naga. Master Garrison is an asshole, which we know. Tholis summons a fey: A Trow! Happy day! We had a one-in-five shot, woo-hoo! ===== February 2006 ===== Big cleanup at the disused Temple of Boris (From the old orc wars.). Leftover doberman we take care of. Also mana cage on the statue. Big battle at the nearby Clayore house. THe White Guard fights and calls down a meteor. Next day, we have fun in the manor. Bree blows up a lot of stuff. Find list of names that dealt with Frank Claymore. Among these names are five shields. After the night we make our way back to Wolfsbane and the Temple of Boris. Lots of bodies -- it's been a busy day. A list of relevant dead * 5 shields (1 accounted for) * 6 Trihold (6 accounted for) Match names of seven from the list. Total number names on the list is 30. Speak with acolyte about the boides. He mentions that the old temple has a bunch of restless dead behind seals. The lone shield fellow turns out to be General "Gill-tee". Jonathan does a Death's Tale to find out that the General was killed by three White Guard. Have audience with Priest of Boris. He talkes about the previous night: Water Elementals boil up, other people turn into elementals. White Guard comes out to take out a bunch of the bad juts. A very coordinated attack indeed. Questions: * Did Yama do this unprovoked? * How were the White Guard organized? * Are there prophecies amongst the White Guard? * What heppened to the elemental dudes? About 110 bodies came in, 10 is typical for a bad night. Wolfsbane itself is a town of many ten thousands. ===== January 2006 ===== Treatise (an enchanter) sent to enchant the flies -- we tell him to wait... He enchanted it to go and tell "the other guy" who then came back to pick up the rest of the enchanted flies. What do the flies really do? And how are they controlled? Instructions: Juggler has something we are looking for. --Gilt, Captain, Army of Dusk This guy killed Zakar! Argent dispatched the assassin. Save Zakar after much to-do. Flies are enchanted. Met with Commander Tyrant (Head of White Guard) and an intereim Red Mage, Garrison. The "Calling Glove", a device that allows ===== September 2005 ===== Zakar get a talisman from Mins, the dancer. Making our way west, past Oil of the Grove, to Crossings Inn. Attack at Crossings Inn. Whatck: Elk fairy and Seal fairy. Check out there stuff: * Seal sword, Mentalism * Seal pouch, Essence * Seal cloak, Essence * Elk club, Essence * Seal club, Mentalism * Jack-in-Irons, nada. Sword glow Red/Pink. Give notion of localstion of female fairies (Goldenrod, Kareena plus four extra). Head out towards WOlfsbane. At the crossroads, Argent hears fighting in the distance. He, Xakar and Field head towards it, while we (Tholis, Jonathan and Kareena) stay behind. Then we hear "Assault"! So, we make our way towards the noise. Come to others fighitng a huge dog-like beast with multiple heads. Fight the wierd consturct, three-headed dog. Recover a jourrnal, reading it we find it has observations about Wolfsbane. There is a spy ring in the House of Shields. Reports to the White Guard. House of Shields has split loyalty. One side is to Trihold (organized crime), and the other is the usual (whatever that means). Most are unaware of Trihold alliance. Small group of Shields are working with Trihold doing "black ops". Talk about Captains' in Shields, there is reference to a tatooed guy that gives folks the creeps. Also, a schedule meeting withe "Jade" at HHH (Hog and Hammer House). Recent assassination of Head of Jewelers Guild linked to "The New Wolf Empire". Bounty hunters are out looking for the empress. Spy's sword is magical, +10 short sword of Mentalism. The medallion is of Channeling. There are markings, the outline is a border of little trees. Try to attune to medallion but fail. But the circle of trees (18 of them) has a slightly different pattern. Weird. Zakar tires to attune, no dice, but he learns that it is a key. Jonathan tries -- a magical key! Eech of the trees, allows entry to a different place. Allows entry to places only White Guard can go. On our way, reach Sunset (Red) Gate. Pass caravan. Haddock guards at the gate are suspicious, but only because of the lack of "shields guys". Shields usually are traveling in good-sized squads. Make our way through town. LIfe is really messed up. Lots of civil unrest. Rohan's house has a big red "X" on it. Get boat to Yahma's Temple Island. The mechanical flies are "bugs" that gather information and report back. There is an anti-empire group calling themselves "1000 Lights". Argent backstory: witnessed a group of shields and a "Tatooed Man". Which is why his squad was set up and massacred. ===== July 2005 ===== 26 stunned for a while when a barrel bounds across the floor and whacks me! Fucker! Kill the barrel-fey. Check out tower above. Fight against a giant armored guy and a fulcan (one-legged ginat maw, beholder-esque). Search armored guy, find a big bag of coins and gems and a couple pieces of jewelry. Dagger/sword from armored guy -- A Jack-in-Irons. Field sneaks behind Kareena and grabs her. Zakar shoots. Much mayhem! Make it out to the Grove. Talk to Tree. Fairy in the tree diverts us to Pallisades to meet Hiram. Back to the Manor vie Streamhead. Kareena's house. Rose from Ambroise which reaks of Mentalism. Make it back to the Manor. ===== June 2005 ===== Argent gives me a crash course in operating a crossbow: * make sure it's pointing away * elbow down * squeeze don't pull. Southerly wind, a bit strong. Received from Field (via bad Fey) eight crossbow bolts with mushroom poison. The poison causes hallucinations. Hiram call a war council for noon. Meeting to determine the attack. Hiram decided upon the frontal assault, while we'll be the clandestine strike team. Enter the big, bad, black cave. ===== May 2005 ===== 13th Day of Summer. Glyph above bedroom door. Protection. Apparently a break-in in the kitchen one night that set off the protection wards. The glyphs/wards look like they've been fried. Did they help at all? Hitchcock is in the corener, barely alive. Apparently Milfoil Greensfeets was behind this, or so says Hitchcock. Jonathan takes pity on Hitchcock and heals him a bit. I store the signature of the cater of wards/glyphs at Grimmsveldt. Gustave -- the satble boy -- was ??? with him. Ambrose has stolen Hiram's wine and GUstave's horse-shoe. On the way to Hiram's we get close and find a blanket in the ???. We are ambushed! Scroll from Bein to keep out bad fairies. ===== April 2005 ===== The 11th Day of Summer. Following Lor McFLy. Seems like he just wants to make sure that I'm not dangerous. Gagged and hands tied. He has my sack of stuff. Traveling down the road we come across what appears to be the site of a massacre! Puddles all over and bodies all over the place. McFly Stoops to investigate one of the bodies. A stranger rides up and shoots at McFly. The crossbow bolt flie true, but passes right through him, and goes harmlessly into the mud. A voice scarems from the dead, "They're back!", apparently thy're not all dead. The valley is filling with fog. Argent Salt((Jeff's new character)) cuts my bonds and I then take of my gag. In my sack: * light crossbow with 11 bolts * Elvish blade (dagger, slightly curved) * Pouch of coins * Rolled up parchment (small) * small, broken piece of pink/red glass. One of Argent's buddies isn't dead -- but he's being "healed" via maggots that McFly has applied. Weird. McFly takes the red shard and escape. Boog, Argent's companoin is dead. But, he is cursed and Jonathan remove the cures -- no presnece left. Juest what is McFly up to? We find a small mechanical fly with a broken wing -- an otherwise working construct. Head up to Hiram's to see Lady Robyne. On the way Argent is affected by the blue lady's bag of leaves. In the bag, five leaves (sticky) and a small blue braid of fabric with a couple of gems on it. Reach Hiram's place. A cleaning lady is there with a broom. We get into a fight! There is an attempt to uproot the really old olive tree by a bunch of little fucking bastards with one who is the leader (he has a gold belt). Save the oldest tree, but about five other old trees are uprooted. The same M.O.: attacks by little bastards and kudzu. Milfoil Greenfeets is the Bullywog (sp?) leader. A badass. Blue Ted, pleding support of the Fey from up north. Receive box from Whispering Hollow as token of allegiance. House of Shields orders Argent and his boy (now dead or missing) assigned to the Lord's of Grimmsveldt. Get Kareena's robe from Mauseleum. It was in a strange wooden statue of sorts (evil, ehnchated) that held the robe. Bizarre. Pond maide is freed. Head up to cemetery to bury Argent's fallen comrades. Hitchcok from the Birch Thicket meets us. Hes a stick-liek figure. A fey? Toast the dead comrades. Hitchcock vanishes.