Orgg tries to speak common
Scribe's note
The short collection of words written below were taken from soldiers who fought with Orgg Hammerhead as mercenaries in a special attachment to the Wolfsbane army. The words are, as far as I am able to tell, the best approximation to the way Orgg would speak with humans on the day he first met his future companion Lords of Grimsveld and the Blue Mage. At that time he had not yet been civilized by Lady Robin in the ways of eating using utensils and smoking a pipe or in the ways of speaking and writing the common tongue by Lord Mein Cooper. It is clear from the context that Orgg translated the orc word for “elves” as either “goody-goodies” or “chipmunks”. It is also clear that Orgg killed his master, stole his master's weapons, and ran away from the metal working shop where he was forced to work under penalty of being fed to the elves (“mean goody-goodies”) living in the nearby woods.
Loose recount of speech by an uncivilized Orgg
Me Orgg Hammerhead. Name come from master - he make metal - armor, swords, good stuff. He also say me a hammerhead and good hammer. Me hammer metal in master shop. Master make me work - or feed to mean goody-goodies in woods. No like goody-goodies. Have funny pointy ears, make fall, shoot arrows, cowards, chitter - noisey birds. No hammer. Must hammer. Master bad - hammer orgg, bang. Orgg like work but master bad - bad like goody-goodies.
Not know where master. Orgg mad - hammer master - hammer hammer - master go away - not wake up. Orgg take tools, run. Not know where come from. Not remember. Run long time. Find small goody-goodies. Hungry. Hammer small goody-goodies - Eat - stringy. Run, run, run. Find red army man. Army man give money, food, tell Orgg hammer blue army men. Orgg hammer, hammer, hammer. Weak blue army men. Lots goody-goodies. Weak, puny, chipmunks. Orgg hammer all. Orgg like army. Food, money, metals, hammer blue army men and goody-goodies.