
Directions using Text

Take 35 North toward Duluth, exit at Hwy. 8 going East.

Follow that the whole way. It jogs around a bit after Barron, but as long as you stay on Hwy 8 East, you are good to go.

In Cameron you will take a right turn at the light to stay on 8 East. From there, it's 13.2 miles to Cranberry Lake road on your left. That's where you leave 8 East.

Left on Cranberry lake road takes you 4-way stop/crossroads. Take a left at the crossroads. Follow that road until you see a lake on your left. That's Bass Lake. Take the small dirt road right behind the Bass Lake Inn into the woods and the Filipczak sign should be about 6 houses in, on the left.


If you hit Weyerhauser, you've gone about 3 miles too far. Ask directions there to Bass Lake.

see also...

bob_s_cabin.txt · Last modified: 10-Aug-2014 15:25 (external edit)
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